Alain's Success Story

Completing his First 70.3 Ironman

"Yannick transformed me within six months with a dedicated training program for my Ironman 70.3 Nice triathlon. His comprehensive approach, covering physical, nutritional, and mental aspects, made all the difference. I highly recommend Yannick for anyone seeking a real and effective personal coach!"

Alain K · 5-stars


When Alain first approached me, he had already been training on his own and had successfully completed a sprint distance triathlon. His ultimate goal was ambitious: to attend and finish the Nice Ironman 70.3. However, he had a history of plantar fasciitis and was concerned about the possibility of it recurring during training. Alain's main objective was to finish the Ironman 70.3, but he also wanted to push his physical limits and demonstrate that it is possible to balance a rigorous training schedule with a demanding family and professional life.

Program Details

To prepare for the Ironman, we set an initial goal of completing an Olympic distance triathlon. We began with an endurance base training program, focusing on medium and longer distances, gradually increasing the duration week after week. Once a solid endurance base was established, we transitioned to specific Olympic distance training, which included sprints, lactate threshold training, and aerobic endurance workouts.

After mastering the Olympic distance, we shifted our focus to the half Ironman preparation. This comprehensive program lasted nearly six months and included specialized training across all three triathlon disciplines, strength endurance, and strength training. Additionally, we meticulously addressed his nutrition and hydration needs to ensure proper fueling, recovery, and fluid balance.

Coaching Relationship

Our coaching relationship was pivotal to his success. We maintained close communication through instant messaging on WhatsApp. Using a coaching application, I delivered the training plan step by step. Alain logged his workout data into the app, which I then analyzed to provide detailed feedback and recommendations for subsequent workouts. I closely monitored his fatigue levels and asked him to rate his Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). We collected data on heart rate, time, distance, power for cycling, cadence, stroke rate, and distance per stroke for swimming. This data-driven approach allowed us to adjust the plan as needed, taking into account training stress, work commitments, and family obligations.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Balancing a high volume of training with his job, business travels, and family obligations was no small feat. However, with the unwavering support of his family and the flexibility of working partly from home, Alain managed to stay on track. Even during business trips, he found time in the evenings to continue his training.

Event Day

On the day of the Ironman, Alain felt ready, enthusiastic, and excited to participate in his first Ironman. We had predicted a finish time of 6 hours and 35 minutes, excluding transition times. He completed the race in 6 hours and 51 minutes, excluding transition times. Finishing the Ironman without any injury was a significant accomplishment, and the finish time was impressively close to our predictions based on his training data. The hilly bike section was a major factor that impacted his total time.

Results and Impact

Completing the Ironman had a profound impact on Alain's confidence and lifestyle. He expressed that even 72 hours after the event, he still found it hard to believe he had achieved such an accomplishment. His family and friends constantly reminded him of his success, which boosted his self-esteem both personally and professionally, bringing gains in serenity and confidence.

During the preparation program, he adopted a lifestyle that required balancing training with his responsibilities as a father of four. This included running or swimming early in the morning, cycling during his children's activities, and enjoying a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Even after the race, he has naturally maintained these training and nutrition routines, feeling delighted with the results.

The accomplishment of finishing the Ironman has inspired Alain to set new goals and change his approach to health and fitness. He mentioned that he is already planning his next objectives for the second half of 2024 and 2025. Since starting the program, he has never felt better. He used to be a regular at osteopathy sessions but hasn't needed any in 2024. Despite his family falling ill several times, he remained healthy. He also reported significant improvements in his knee issues thanks to strength training. This achievement has undoubtedly set the stage for new goals and a transformed approach to health and fitness.

A Special Moment

On the day of the event, Alain wrote the first names of his children and his wife on his compression socks. He shared that the most beautiful moment wasn't crossing the finish line, but when his two elder boys joined him to support him and run by his side just before the finish, with his young daughter shouting loving words of encouragement.

Alain's words

"Yannick has literally transformed me within six months with a dedicated training program for my main objective: the Ironman 70.3 Nice triathlon race. The program was not only physical but also nutritional and mental! His physiological knowledge helps a lot to prevent injuries. Yannick was always flexible and available to adapt my program and answer all my various and many questions. I definitely recommend Yannick to anyone who would like to get a real and efficient personal coach to succeed in their objectives!"